Both Deloria Online and it’s installer package are written in legacy coding languages which some anti-virus software can cause problems when installing. I have gone through to reduce these messages as much as possible, to most cases none. If you do run into any errors, you can disable your anti-virus for the install.

You should NOT have to run any components of the game in admin mode, or you may get a ‘DelDownload‘ error. Deloria Online has 4 executables that need access to the internet, so if you have any issues you may want to make sure these components are able to go through your firewall. These components are: deloria.exe, dellaunch.exe, delupd.exe, dsc.exe.

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you use the default install folder when installing. Do not use folders that require additional permissions.
Default on most newer versions of Windows: C:\Users\~currentuser\AppData\Roaming\Deloria Online

Click ‘More info’ then click ‘Run anyway’

Deloria Online Beta 1.0.476

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